Saturday, 18 June 2016

Uplifting Updates & Upcoming University

Blogging has taken second, no third, no actually bottom place over the last few months. Life with my amazing children has taken centre stage! So I apologise to those who actually read this blog that I have been so lapse in writing!

I thought it appropriate at the end of my first year to post an update on everything that has happened and all the issues I have covered these 12 months on my blog.

I am sure you are all interested in my Scottish friend, especially as she was the main subject of many of my blogs. After her heart surgery in September she finally was given permission to stay in England with me. Probation have never actually finalised this in writing, but she seems to be officially allowed to live in England! The surgery, however, wasn't that successful and in March she had to have another Cardioversion at St George's Hospital. 

Unfortunately, the negative experiences she had after leaving custody in June 2015, when she was forced back to Scotland, have had a traumatic and long term effect on her mental health. She finds herself depressed and ridden with anxiety. She struggles with surviving everyday life and has had multiple medical issues to deal with.

Last week she moved into a flat of her own in Crawley and is starting to work on the issues caused by a long stint inside, a lack of support, a vindictive probation service and a corrupt judicial system. There is a long haul ahead but I pray she will get there and find a future and happiness. Sadly the prison service is not set up to properly rehabilitate prisoners and support them in leaving custody. This has to change in order to address re-offending rates.

My two friends on recall? Well, one of them had to serve her whole sentence and was released last week. Sadly, she re-offended within 48 hours and is now facing new charges of Common Assault. I visited this lady in prison and wrote to her weekly while inside and really got to know her. She was not offered any tools to help her when she was released. Also, having served her whole term, she is not under probation or any support networks. Her background means she will levitate back towards the community that surrounded her when she committed the crime she was imprisoned for. She left Jail to nothing. Her children are with their fathers, she had nowhere to live other than with unsupportive parents, and was immediately back in her previous lifestyle. 

I will be there for her as much as she is willing to take the help and support. But it is so incredibly sad as she showed real intelligence and a desire to change and make a future while she was inside.

My other friend, my "late night in a ditch" friend.... sadly she was convicted of further charges when on licence and sentenced to two years. She is due for release in July. She has a husband who has failed big time, but she has two amazing children and amazing parents who are holding the fort for her. Prison has done nothing at all other than to institutionalise her. Last time I visited she said that she doesn't even count the days to release any more as, apart from missing her kids, prison is just normal for her now, and easy. Another reason why prison is NOT the answer for so many women.

And as for me?
Other than in my dreams, I forget that I even went there. Life is pretty much the same as before. No actually it's better I think, as I am a calmer person without the corruptness and dishonesty and deceit of the DWP hanging over my head.

My older children still show signs of the extensive effects on them. They won't answer the door, or the phone, and  are incandescent with rage if anyone questions a disability. What is amazing, though, is that the younger two have completely forgotten. They will chat away about events over those two years and expect me to remember going with them, or remember a particular incident or illness. All credit for this must go to my amazing daughter who stepped in and became mum for those years. Without her they would not be who they are today, and, although there were issues during that time, she did everything she could at the age of 22 to care for her siblings. Sadly their Dad was totally incapable, a waste of space, and now has disappeared from their lives completely, despite four months of mediation work. 

This year has flown by. I have had to spend a lot of time working with my children on their increased needs due to my being taken away from the family for two years. This has had a long term effect on them and ironically means they have more needs than they would have had if I had stayed around! 

So my amazing autistic actor son won his PIP tribunal... (of which there is no doubt he should have done), and DWP are continuing to play games and deny his human rights by trying to appeal. Ok, I get it, the tribunal decision has blown their prosecution case apart and shown my innocence, but seriously guys get over it!!

My AS son has also had his PIP awarded..... another appeal point!

The most exciting thing though is that the children are performing together, something they have always done, and have hit the big time.
Outofsync performed at Autism's Got Talent 2016 and had a standing ovation and then Les Miserables London shared the video leading to over 80k views!

Things are moving forward and ultimately we are showing the world how a family with needs can have such talent.

And me? Last as always, as that is where I place myself... 
I have decided to accept the place to study Psychology and Criminology at Sussex University in September. This degree covers my interest in autism, linguistics, behaviours etc and also the criminal behaviours I saw so very close up!

I am really excited to be back to university, as that is where I should have been in September 2013. Instead, I was a wrongly convicted prisoner living in one room, locked away and unable to be productive.

My appeal? Well once the DWP realise that their fight over Eden's PIP tribunal has no substance...... cos funnily enough he is actually autistic!,.... then I am on my way!